1. All registered participants will be placed into an age-based competitive evaluation group. 2. All participants will receive performance points based on their athletic performance.

3. Performance Points are earned during each set of performances and will reset after each round is completed (point totals will be calculated but will not be used to deem a SPG Title Holder).

Round 1

Speed & Agility 

A series of head to head speed and agility races.The competitors who receive the most performance points will advance to Round 2.

Round 2

Athletic Cognitive Ability

A series of memorization, responsive, and reactionary athletic patterns.

The competitors who receive the most performance points will advance to Round 3.



Round 3

 Determination & Grit

SPG Obstacle Course 

Includes: Anaerobic , Aerobic, Strength, Power, Speed, and Agility stations.

Competitors who finish with the fastest times are awarded 10 points and are the SPG Title Holders!

The SPG Title Holders will receive awards and a free invitation to the next SPG Event!

Who Can Compete?

Represent Yourself, School, Sport(s) Team, and Training Facility!